
苗栗 烤肉食材

2015年02月01日 21:00


豆花妹(蔡黃汝)、潘柏希、李依瑾和李佳豫1日在桃園與粉絲零距離互動,儘管只有14度低溫、但面對熱情粉絲冷風直吹卻不喊冷。豆花妹、潘柏希和李佳豫對手戲多,戲外感情好的3人常一起出去吃飯,之前耶誕節交換禮物潘柏希居然抽到豆花妹竹北 火鍋吃到飽準備的眼影盤,他苦笑說:「這個我一輩子也用不到啊!」

麻辣火鍋 新北▼《新世界》演員不畏14度低溫,粉絲見面會暖烘烘‏。(圖/台視)





(中央社記者周永捷雅加達5日專電)印尼首都雅加達省長選戰白熱化,現任省長鍾萬學、前總統之子阿古斯和前教育文化部長阿尼斯,3組候選人卯足全力拚選戰,要在最後1個月爭取最多選民支持。 印尼全國性地方首長選舉2月15日登場,首都雅加達省長寶座備受關注。3組候選人緊鑼密鼓在雅加達各地競選、勤走鄰里社區、舉辦與民眾對談,為的是要在剩下1個多月的競選時間(印尼法律規定競選活動至2月11日止),爭取最多選民支持。 3組候選人分別是執政黨民主奮鬥黨推出的鍾萬學和副省長查羅特(Djarot Saiful Hidayat);前總統尤多約諾長子阿古斯(Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono)和雅加達省府官員希爾菲娜(Sylviana Murni);大印尼運動黨主席普拉伯沃推出前教育文化部長阿尼斯(Anies Baswedan)和企業家桑迪阿加(Sandiaga Uno)。 3組候選人各有支持群眾。1號候選人,阿古斯年輕、帥氣,家世背景顯赫,加上穆斯林背景,讓他在一些穆斯林社區和婦女團體中頗受歡迎。 2號候選人鍾萬學省長任內力推改革、除弊,建設雅加達,普遍獲得各階層民眾的支持,在各項民調中都居領先地位。 3號候選人阿尼斯是大學校長出身,開明、改革、具國際觀的形象深受許多大學生和年輕族群喜愛。 這3組候選人也各有政見,端出牛肉說服選民。 阿古斯和希爾菲娜要打造繁榮、進步、安全、公平、綠色的雅加達。 具體內容包括提升大眾運輸系統的質及量、增進民眾購屋能力、打擊毒品及犯罪、加強社區治安、降低貧富差距、強化中小企業以增加就業機會、提升婦幼保護、增加公園綠地空間等 鍾萬學和查羅特希望能滿足雅加達民眾的需求,打造雅加達成為全球民眾幸福指數最高的城市之一。 具體政見包括掃除公部門中的貪腐和裙帶關係、力推健保服務、保障民眾受教育、改善住宅、穩定食物價格、增加就業機會,提供民眾平價大眾運輸系統。 阿尼斯和桑迪阿加認為,雅加達民眾關注的是公平的就業機會、能接受好的教育、能夠享有好的醫療服務。 他們的政見包括解決雅加達貧富、知識及就業不均的現況;增加業機會、穩定食物價格、推動基礎建設,提升所有人受教育的品質,包括讓民眾能接受高等教育,特別是讓窮人有機會接受教育。1060105


LOSE-LOSE SITUATION Mild inflation is expected this year, but regulatory measures would not be activated until inflation reaches 2 percent, the central bank saidBy Chen Wei-han / Staff reporterThe labor law amendments could improve working conditions, with only limited impact on consumer prices, the Cabinet said yesterday, rebutting what business leaders said were the side effects of the “lose-lose legislation.”Defending amendments to the Labor Standards Act (勞動基準法), which stipulates a five-day workweek and higher overtime pay, the Executive Yuan said the legislation is a major improvement in general working conditions, while the impact on businesses is acceptable to labor-intensive industries.Chinese National Federation of Industries secretary-general Tsai Lien-sheng (蔡練生) on Tuesday said the amendments were a “lose-lose” legislation that hurt employers, workers and consumers with increased personnel costs, lower salaries due to fewer working hours and rising consumer prices.“That employers quibble with employees [over overtime pay] is what makes it a lose-lose situation,” Vice Premier Lin Hsi-yao (林錫耀) said, calling on businesses to take care of their employees.Two major goals of the amendments — to reduce working hours and unify the nation’s leave schemes — have been achieved, although there are side effects, such as a rise in operating costs for labor-intensive businesses.The legislation hardly affects companies that have already adopted a five-day workweek, which accounts for about 65 percent of the workforce, Lin said.For employers of the other 35 percent of workers, they are likely to see a tolerable increase in personnel costs.“The public has misunderstood the legislation and believed that businesses would have to pay considerably more in overtime pay, but that is not the case,” Lin said.The amendments would increase the personnel and operational costs of the manufacturing industry by 1.5 percent and 0.1 percent respectively, National Development Council Deputy Minister Kung Ming-hsin (龔明鑫) said.As for the service industry, a labor-intensive industry that is more susceptible to the new overtime pay requirements, personnel and operational costs would only increase by 2.1 percent and 0.22 percent respectively, Kung added.The nation will experience “very mild inflation,” with this year’s inflation estimated at 1.26 percent to 1.46 percent, which is “fairly acceptable,” central bank Governor Perng Fai-nan (彭淮南) said, adding that the central bank would not activate regulatory measures until inflation reaches 2 percent.The consumer price index is estimated to rise by between 0.2 percent to 0.4 percent this year with the implementation of the legislation and the nation is likely to see a low and stable rise in consumer prices, Perng added.The Fair Trade Commission is to monitor whether businesses are making coordinated price adjustments to manipulate the market. No such activity has been evident in restaurant prices, it said.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

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